Hello Node

I’ve also recently started learning Node.js. In many ways, it’s been easy because it is at heart JavaScript, and it’s something that I’m very comfortable with. What’s new is that Node event-oriented, whereas all my JavaScript training and experience up to this point has been object-oriented.

This is server-side JavaScript. And in the quest to build projects that run as quickly as possible, Node is incredibly competitive because it allows for asynchronous, non-blocking code. Which means that it is much better at multi-tasking than I am.

I have already noticed a huge improvement in the speed with which testing and programs are run on the command line. When testing my Ruby and vanilla JavaScript projects, sometimes it takes a few minutes to get results, to the point where I have to increase the timeout limit. It doesn’t help things that I have a 2012 MacBook Pro, which feels more and more like a dinosaur every day. So I’m used to running a test and then getting up to get a drink of water or walk around because I know it’s going to be a little while. Last night I entered npm test into the command line and the test was done before I had even gotten out of my chair.


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